The Book Critic: This book really stinks!

Im chilling at the house of one of my male friends, laying on a mattress in my gorgeous seductive lingerie. Hes out to do some stuff and Im alone, bored and horny. Of course I already masturbated a handful of times, so now Im looking for something else to do. I see a set of books that might be interesting… I walk towards them, showing off my perfect ass. One of them captured my interest. You see me reading through it in various sexy positions. It turns out to be an absolutely awful book basically about how to manipulate people. I totally hate it. My inner book critic demon comes out and I feel compelled to lay an exceptionally big nasty stinky shit in it. I want to fully express how much I think this book stinks. So I do, an ENORMOUS thick log slides out of my gorgeous ass right into the pages of the open book. I take my time to completely mess up the book, smearing the shit everywhere, sitting on it, farting on it, pissing on it, standing on it and smearing it with my thick smelly poop. I want to communicate how I feel about this book to my friend, so I put it back right where I found it.

The Book Critic: This book really stinks!

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