Blooper Pooper pt3 thick log falls off the toilet seat

The blooper saga continues! This shitting session I try to be sexy and original by squatting on the toilet seat facing the wall. First you see me struggle to get on there, though I manage. You can look under my short skirt and see that I am not wearing any underwear. I start pissing hard and then you see my butthole stretching to release a thick hard constipated log. The first part barely lands in the toilet, the second one lands right on the toilet seat and then on the floor! I realize it when I climb off and start laughing and giggling uncontrollably. I show you the big hard piece of poo on the floor and then finish with a bend over close up view of my big round butt. Time to clean up I guess cause the place is getting really stinky!

Blooper Pooper pt3 thick log falls off the toilet seat

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